Friday, October 15, 2010

HypnoBirthing: Class Five and Conclusion

I totally forgot to write about the class right after it happened, but I still remember it pretty well.  There was a little talk about going past your due date, but I wasn't concerned about that at the time.  We also talked about alternatives to avoid a pitocin induction.  Castor oil was mentioned, but I wasn't about to try that.

Most of the rest of class was taken up with watching different video clips.  There was one whole video about water birth that featured the births of several different babies.  One of the moms (who is also the midwife who made the video) had her whole family in the tub with her.  Only her husband and daughter stayed in the tub for the actual birth.  The boys were outta there before she delivered.  The daughter (around six years old, I think) had long hair that she dragged through the water before putting it in her mouth.  That was disturbing.  Mmm...crotch water.  Other than that the video wasn't bad.

Conclusion:  The class had lots of good information and lots of things I chose to ignore.  For those determined to have an unmedicated birth, I think this is an excellent class.  It helps give you the confidence and the tools you need to make it through labor and delivery.  I was not very determined to go without the epidural, so I didn't.  It was nice to have gone through the class to learn relaxation techniques and comfort measures, though they didn't prove very helpful in my own situation.  I would have liked to spend more class time focusing on those things, but I'm not your typical HypnoBirthing student.  I think I would recommend the class to anyone who is really interested.  I would just skip the third class and spend that time practicing.

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