Last year I decided to do the 101 things in 1001 days project. I was determined and I was excited. Then I forgot to print off my list so I could actually look at my goals rather than forget about them. Oops. It also turned out to be a good thing. Several of my life goals, interests, and desires have changed in the last 365 days and now my list can reflect that. The end date for these goals is Sept 28, 2012. Things I have completed are bolded blue.
1. Attend the temple once a month, as distance allows 2/33
2. Personal scripture study for 20 min a day for 30 days 20/30
3. Study for and make 10 new Doctrinal Resource Sheets 0/10
4. Read RS lessons in preparation for class 2/66
5. Study the Sunday School lessons before church every week for a year 5/52
6. Share my joy about the gospel with three people who need to hear it 0/3
7. Invite someone to meet with the missionaries
8. Say a gratitude-only prayer once a day for two months 0/2
9. Finish reading New Testament Witnesses of Christ
10. Read one other Church doctrinal book
11. Make a new friend
12. Invite a friend/couple to dinner at our house 0/5
13. Participate in a service-oriented activity in the ward
14. Participate in a service-oriented activity not in the ward
15. Attend two ward parties per year 1/6
16. Join a playgroup
17. Host a birthday party for Eric and/or Eliana
18. Send Christmas cards every year 0/2
19. Join a book club
20. Prepare 10 different international meals 0/10
21. Grow a garden
22. Cook at least 3 dinners a week from scratch for 3 months 0/39
23. Plan and cook a Thanksgiving dinner
24. Cook breakfast five times a week for one week
25. Cook breakfast five times a week for a month
26. Pack a lunch for Eric at least three times a week for his last semester 3/45
27. Include vegetables in Eliana's meals at least once a day for 3 months 10/90
28. Make bread once a month 0/33
29. Try a new recipe twice per month 1/66
30. Include a vegetable with dinner for 101 dinners 4/101
31. Plan and stich Eliana's one year picture
32. Have that cross stitch framed
33. Knit a pair of socks
34. Knit something using specialty yarn
35. Make an ABC scrapbook of Eliana’s first year
36. Make a blessing outfit for a second baby
37. Make baby bracelets in pink, purple, and white
38. Make a church-themed quiet book
39. Make a non church-themed quiet book
40. Make Halloween costumes 0/2
41. Learn to make something I’ve never made before
42. Finish the quilting on my sampler quilt
43. Make a carseat cover
44. Make a comfortable temple dress
45. Make 4 different Boppy covers (2 girl, 2 boy) 0/4
46. Read to Eliana 20 minutes a day for three months 0/90
47. Multiply and replenish a second time
48. Potty train Eliana
49. Start a new Christmas tradition (earn the ornaments)
50. Go on a date with Eric at least once a month 2/33
51. Write a love note to Eric once a month 1/33
52. Have family pictures taken each year 0/2
53. Go on a date with my parents
54. Go on a date with Gregg and Ellen
55. Go on a date with Stephanie and Mike
56. Pay off credit cards
57. Buy a serger (five thread if possible)
58. Buy a Bernina
59. Create a physical portfolio
60. Create a digital portfolio
61. Create a budget and stick to it for at least three months 0/3
62. Be able to run 15 minutes without stopping
63. Be able to run 30 minutes without stopping
64. Exericse 5 times a week throughout a pregnancy 60/200
65. Prepare for and run in a half marathon
66. Lose at least 35 lbs
67. Get to bed before 11 pm on weeknights for 6 weeks 0/6
68. Get to bed before 10 pm on weeknights for 6 weeks 0/6
69. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for 3 months 0/3
Home organization
70. Purge clothing that has not been worn in the last five years
71. Create a chore chart separated into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks
72. Organize recipes into a recipe binder with page protectors
73. Find a system for planning meals
74. Use the system to plan meals for two months 0/2
75. Organize my kitchen cupboards and cabinets
76. Do the two weeks of dinners in the freezer thing from summer conference
77. Do a 10 minute cleanup every night before bed for 3 months 0/90
78. Create a morning routine and stick to it for 30 days 0/30
79. Wash dishes immediately after meals for 1001 meals 3/1001
Personal and family history
80. Take a picture of Eliana and/or all of us every day for one year 4/365
81. Scan mission pictures/negatives and copy to CD
82. Scan Eric's mission pictures/negatives and copy to CD
83. Write in a journal once every week for a month
84. Write in a journal daily for a month
85. Have a blog made into a book
86. Organize digital photos by date/event and copy to CD
87. Add five more scrapbook pages to our wedding book 0/5
Personal enrichment/fun
88. Practice the piano twice a week for 10 weeks 0/20
89. Read the Book of Mormon in Italian
90. Get five pedicures 0/5
91. Get a professional massage
92. Cut down computer time to less than 2 hours a day for three weeks 0/21
93. Cut computer time down to less than 2 hours a day for 2 months 0/60
94. Take a class in something that interests me
95. Read three books that are considered classics 0/3
96. Go horseback riding
97. Attend a ballet
98. Read 5 books 1/5
99. Go camping as a family
100. Visit a state I’ve never been to
101. Be in Rome for the temple dedication or have money saved
Now I just have to print this off so I can remember what I want to do.
Is #36 an announcement? ;)
Looks like a good list. Good luck with it.
No announcements. :P It's just part of goal number 47. I had both of those goals in my list from last year and you've seen how much work I put into it...none.
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