Here is my completed list of 101 things in 1001 days. I remember several years back talking to my mother about how long a particular goal of mine would take and that I wasn't sure I wanted to take that long. She said, "The time is going to pass, anyway, so why not use it?" Smart advice.
Things I have completed are bolded blue
Here are the things I want to work on as my next 1001 days pass:
1. Attend the temple once a week for three months 0/13
2. Personal scripture study for 20 min a day for 30 days 0/30
3. Study for and make 10 new Doctrinal Resource Sheets
4. Begin preparing my RS lessons two weeks in advance
5. Study the Sunday School lessons before church every week for a year 0/52
6. Share my joy about the gospel with three people who need to hear it 0/3
7. Invite someone to meet with the missionaries
8. Say a gratitude-only prayer once a day for two months 0/2
9. Finish reading New Testament Witnessed of Christ.
10. Read one other Church doctrinal book not related to the Sunday School topic
11. Make a new friend
12. Invite a friend/couple to dinner at our house 0/5
13. Participate in a service-oriented activity in the ward
14. Participate in a service-oriented activity not in the ward
15. Attend two ward parties per year 0/6
16. Join a playgroup
17. Host a birthday party for Eric and/or Eliana
18. Send Christmas cards every year 0/2
19. Join a book club
20. Prepare 10 different international meals 0/10
21. Grow a garden with tomatoes, Eric’s tomatoes, peas, yellow squash, and berries
22. Cook at least 3 dinners a week from scratch for 3 months 0/39
23. Plan & cook a Thanksgiving dinner
24. Cook breakfast five times a week for one week
25. Cook breakfast five times a week for a month
26. Pack a lunch for Eric at least three times a week for his last semester 0/45
27. Make baby food for Eliana once a week for 3 months 13/13
28. Make bread once a week
29. Try a recipe from an Usborne cookbook twice per month 0/33
30. Include a vegetable with dinner for 101 dinners 2/101
31. Knit an adult-sized sweater
32. Knit a baby-sized sweater
33. Knit a pair of socks
34. Learn to make baby hair bows
35. Make an ABC scrapbook of Eliana’s first year
36. Make a blessing outfit for a second baby
37. Create a procedure book for alterations
38. Make baby bracelets in pink, purple, and white
39. Make a quiet book
40. Make Halloween costumes 1/2
41. Learn to make something I’ve never made before
42. Finish the quilting on my sampler quilt
43. Make a carseat cover
44. Knit a baby hat
45. Make 4 different Boppy covers (2 girl, 2 boy) 1/4
46. Establish a bedtime routine for Eliana
47. Multiply and replenish a second time
48. Potty train Eliana
49. Start a new Christmas tradition (earn the ornaments)
50. Go on a date with Eric at least once a month 0/33
51. Write a love note to Eric once a month 0/33
52. Learn 25 basic signs and teach them to Eliana 0/25
53. Go on a date with my parents
54. Go on a date with Gregg and Ellen
55. Go on a date with Stephanie and Mike
56. Pay off credit cards
57. Buy a serger
58. Buy a blind hemmer
59. Promote to supervisor
60. Earn a trip
61. Earn the Home Show Challenge at least once
62. Complete two rounds of Body for Life
63. Prepare for and run in a half marathon (full marathon if knees will permit)
64. Compete in swimming in the Utah Summer games
65. Lose at least 35 lbs
66. Swim for exercise twice a week for a month 3/4
67. Get to bed before 11 pm on weeknights for 6 weeks 0/6
68. Get to bed before 10 pm on weeknights for 6 weeks 0/6
69. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for 3 months 0/3
Home organization
70. Purge clothing that has not been worn in the last five years
71. Create a chore chart separated into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks
72. Organize recipes into a recipe binder with page protectors
73. Find a system for planning meals
74. Use the system to plan meals for two months 0/2
75. Organize my kitchen cupboards and cabinets
76. Do the two weeks of dinners in the freezer thing from summer conference
77. Do a 10 minute cleanup every night before bed for 3 months 0/3
78. Go through the boxes in the garage in preparation for moving
79. Hold a yard sale
80. Create a morning routine and stick to it for 30 days 0/30
81. Wash dishes immediately after meals for 1001 meals 0/1001
Personal history
82. Scan mission pictures/negatives and copy to CD
83. Write in a journal once every week for a month
84. Write in a journal daily for a month
85. Have a blog made into a book
86. Organize digital photos by date/event and copy to CD
87. Add five more scrapbook pages to our wedding book 0/5
Personal enrichment/fun
88. Practice the piano twice a week for 10 weeks 0/20
89. Read the Book of Mormon in Italian
90. Get five pedicures 0/5
91. Get a professional massage
92. Cut down computer time to less than 2 hours a day for three weeks 0/3
93. Cut computer time down to less than 2 hours a day for 2 months 0/2
94. Take a class in something that interests me
95. Read three books that are considered classics 0/3
96. Go horseback riding
97. Go to a ballet
98. Read 5 books 1/5
99. Go camping as a family
100. Visit a state I’ve never been to
101. Be in Rome for the temple dedication
I will keep these goals posted here and on my fridge to remind me of what I'm doing. I hope you and I all have a fabulous (and productive 2009).
Wow! I am impressed that you could write that many things down, let alone DO them! Just reading them made me pooped! You rock!
It helped to have them categorized. Otherwise I would have been lost. Now I just have to do them.
Awesome goals.
Good luck with them. I know you'll do awesome.
If I'm in town and you need help getting those pedicures I'd love to be a support. :P
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