Friday, December 19, 2008

Note to Customers

This is a little reminder to our customers. To avoid a mess like last year, don't wait until the last minute to buy all your gifts. Also, if you shop at a store that employs mostly college students it is likely that there will be several workers out of town during the holidays. That makes things such as custom alterations a bit slower in being completed. So when you show up at the store in a panic about getting a suit altered, I can't help you. Everybody else is heading out of town or using it for a Christmas present, too. Just ask the last five customers.

Special note to the scary customer at the store:

Dear kid,
You are creepy. No, you can't hold my baby. I don't know you and you are creepy. I don't hand my child over to creepy strangers who quote Full House while looking at her. Please go away now. Thank you.

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